2017-10-27 - Downtown DC Dawn Patrol

^z 23rd April 2023 at 7:53am

~16.5 miles @ ~15 min/mi

"Giant pumpkin centipede!" - "Skeletons!" - "Tombstones!" - "Spiderwebs!" The Dawn Patrol inspects Halloween decorations on Capitol Hill. Starting at Potomac Yard we run along the Mount Vernon Trail past National Airport and take the Memorial Bridge into DC.

Venus glitters next to the Washington Monument in the Reflecting Pool while sunrise begins over the National Mall. In Union Station iced coffee at McDonalds brings chills as temps rise slowly from the low 40's. At Eastern Market we buy cookies and admire artistic murals. Kerry pauses where she and her daughter took photos not long ago.

"Come behind the counter!" offers a happy seafood salesman on the waterfront, and gives us crabs to pose with. "Was this the adventure you asked for when we started today?" asks Kristin.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2017-11-25